Spring is a great time to get outdoors and enjoy the sights and sounds of nature. 春天也是出游的好时节 观鸟. 美国.P. 是400多种本地鸟类的家园, 在春季和秋季有更多的迁徙. The hg6668皇冠登录 region’s diverse natural surroundings also happen to be excellent bird habitat. 

May is peak spring migration for the region, according to BirdCast, which provides real-time predictions of bird migrations and a list of 鸟类 you can expect to find, so it is the perfect time of year to explore 观鸟 in hg6668皇冠登录 County. 



一个开始观鸟皇冠苹果版app下载的好地方是 普雷斯克岛公园鸟类学家布朗博士说. Alec 林赛, professor of Biology at 北密歇根大学 in hg6668皇冠登录. 公园是2.3-mile paved loop is a favorite among locals for its spectacular views of 苏必利尔湖 and offers abundant 观鸟 opportunities.

A glowing orange sunset over 苏必利尔湖 at 日落点 on 普雷斯克 Isle in hg6668皇冠登录, MI

日落点, 在半岛的顶端, is a cool spot to watch migrating waterbirds and marsh birds soar over the lake, in addition to being the perfect place to take in a Superior Sunset. 

Sign for the entrance to the 普雷斯克 Isle Bog Walk in hg6668皇冠登录, MI

沼泽漫步 is a short quarter-mile loop 小道 at the park’s entrance that features interpretive signs and a wooden boardwalk that wanders through the wetlands and offers excellent wildlife viewing.

你会看到并听到迁徙的鸣禽——麻雀, 莺, 白头翁们, 鸟, 还有雀类,以及海龟等其他野生动物, 和青蛙, 像春天的窥视者, 声音大的小青蛙. Peregrine falcons nest there and the wetlands have been known to attract some uncommon species, 所以你永远不知道你会看到什么鸟. 

The 穆斯伍德自然中心 举办活动及讲座. 查看他们的日程表,看看发生了什么, and stop in to see their exhibit of striking bird photos taken by local photographer Jennifer Cosco. 笑白鱼鸟联盟, 密歇根州奥杜邦大学的一个独立分会, 还举办鸟类郊游和演讲, 欢迎各种经验水平的观鸟者, 该组织主席杰夫·托纳说. 

A raised wooden boardwalk path through the woods at 巧克力湾自然保护区 in Harvey, MI


另一个观鸟的好地方是 巧克力湾自然保护区, situated at the mouth of the Chocolay River, in neighboring Harvey. These 13 acres of protected wetlands serve as an important stop on the bird migration highway. 

The preserve has a 观鸟 小道 with 11 interpretive signs featuring birds seen there, 一个木板路, 长椅, 甚至是鸟类瞭望台, and is an idyllic spot for a bird walk or quiet little jaunt through nature. 

在那里你可以看到水鸟和湿地莺, 比如普通黄喉鱼, 一只害羞的小鸟,喜欢躲在灯芯草中, so you may hear them before you spot their bright yellow throats and black bandit masks of the males. 



The marshes along the Dead River also offer great birdwatching habitat, said Dr. 林赛. Take Powder Mill Road out until it runs along the edge of the river. There is also a parking area near the mouth of the Dead River where you can sit and watch for marsh birds. 寻找大蓝鹭, 沙丘鹤, 小鸭鸭, 红翼鸫黑鸟, 双冠鸬鹚, 和更多的.  

A women overlooking the greenery at sunset on the observation deck at the top of 面包山 in hg6668皇冠登录, MI


顶部 面包山, with its three observation decks and panoramic views all around, offers a spectacular setting to watch for migrating raptors. 被发现的物种包括尖胫鹰, Broad-winged鹰派, 红尾鹰, 金雕, 秃鹰, 美国红隼, 游隼, 还有乌鸦, 乌鸦, 啄木鸟, 海鸥, 和更多的. The gravel pit on County Road 550 also makes a great raptor-watching spot, said Dr. 林赛. 

A woman pointing at a white birch tree while walking on a 小道 in the woods


无论你是新手还是专家, one thing you’ll discover when you are out 观鸟 is you start to notice a lot more than birds, 博士解释说. 林赛. 

“Things like a dead tree poking up in the middle of an isolated field that we might think should be cut down. Then you see four birds fighting over access to it because they are announcing themselves and trying to attract a mate.”

You start to underst和更多的 about your natural environment as you begin to see with the bird’s eye instead of with our human eyes.

A silhouette of a Great Blue Heron on a rock with water in the background


Another benefit to birdwatching is it requires you to tune out of yourself and tune in to what's going on around you. 

“有时在看了一个小时的鸟之后, 你停下来思考, 我甚至没有想过我的烦恼,”医生说。. 林赛. “The birds allow you to step out of yourself and get into a Zen feeling when you’re birdwatching.”

Jeff Towner, with the Laughing Whitefish Bird Alliance, agrees. 


Getting outdoors early in the morning when birds are active and singing has both mental and physical benefits.  


“这是一种寻找社区的好方法。. 林赛. “If you're watching birds and you see other people out there with their binoculars, 你完全有权利过去说, “嘿, 你看到了什么?? You make friends just because you are carrying binoculars and are interested in the same thing. It's like you're automatically cheering for the same home team — and you find them in the woods. 鸟类给人们带来了一种社区的感觉.”



Before heading out for your 观鸟 adventure, it’s always wise to check the weather forecast. 一个清晰的, cold spring morning can give way to sunny skies in the afternoon or rain or snow showers, 所以要有相应的计划. Include rain or snow gear in your pack, along with these 观鸟 essentials:

  • 双筒望远镜

  • 观鸟现场指南和 检查表

  • 太阳镜和帽子

  • 路线地图和指南针

  • 水和零食

  • 手机 梅林的应用

  • 驱虫剂




皇冠苹果版app下载, check out these Leave No Trace guidelines to be a more responsible steward of our outdoor spaces this spring. 阅读更多


While exploring be sure to follow the American 观鸟 Association’s 观鸟道德准则. 阅读更多



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